
You can drink freshly harvested tea 🍵

Freshly harvested tea has arrived from local tea farmers! Fresh tea collected from seven tea factories in this area. It’s up to you which factory to drink tea from! ! Enjoy the taste of fresh tea while learning how to brew delicious tea🍵 It seems that the taste differs just by slightly different methods of steaming and kneading! And fresh tea has many beneficial effects for women! It is also said that drinking tea picked at this time of year will keep you healthy throughout the year😁 You can experience this social studies activity in “Let’s Drink Fresh Tea” starting on May 1st (Wednesday). Held from 16:30 to 17:30. Please note that it will end as soon as it runs out! ! Don’t miss out on this valuable experience!

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    • Access by car

      About 40 minutes from Shizuoka city

      From Tokyo/Yokohama/Nagoya Area About 15 minutes from the Shin-Tomei Expressway "Shimada Kanaya IC"

      About 15 minutes from Tomei Expressway "Yoshida IC"

    • Access by train

      About 15 minutes by taxi from JR Tokaido Main Line "Shimada Station".

    • Access by airplane

      About 10 minutes by taxi from Fujisan Shizuka airport.